Orient for Film & Theatre Productions


Orient for Film and Theatre Productions is a production company based in Cairo. Founded in 2007, its mission is to develop quality projects in the fields of arts, culture, and entertainment with the involvement of practitioners from Egypt, the Arab world, and beyond. Since its inception, Orient Productions has produced and hosted numerous events showcasing innovative’ works in these different fields.

Orient Productions encompasses number of art spaces and projects.

Oldest among them is The Temple Independent Theatre Company, which has been presenting the artistic work of Egyptian director and playwright Ahmed El Attar to local and international audiences since 1993.

Orient Productions also oversees Studio Emad Eddin, a one-of-its-kind initiative providing rehearsal spaces as well as workshops and training programs to independent Egyptian performing artists since 2005.

Founded in 2019, Maktabi Creative Office Spaces provides private long-term work spaces in the heart of Downtown Cairo for creatives.

Rawabet Art Space, an emblematic venue and Cairo‘s first and oldest independent performance space, was renovated by Orient Productions and revamped into a multipurpose, multidisciplinary art space, and reopened its doors in September 2021.

Most recently, Orient Productions has undertaken the Theatre in Translation – Contemporary European Theatre in Arabic project, which aims to translate eighteen contemporary European dramas into Arabic. The texts, which have all been written from 2010 onwards, will be published both in print and online to allow their dissemination to the widest possible audience across the Arab world.

Orient Productions also provides a variety of services to artists and cultural practitioners including marketing, PR, production, stage management and front of house coordination. We take pride in handling a project’s complete journey from conceptualisation to completion with an unremitting attention to detail that ensures high quality, successful events.

Since 2012, Orient Productions has been organising the annual Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival (D-CAF), the largest international, multidisciplinary arts festival in Egypt. The festival brings together artists and practitioners from all around the world to showcase and discuss innovative contemporary work. D-CAF is an opportunity to explore unconventional art forms in spaces and venues across Downtown Cairo.

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